LRF Host Jack Oswald for November Reading
Blog, Book Reading

LRF Hosts Jack Oswald at the November Book Reading

It was an incredible and scintillating evening of reading by Jack Oswald, author of The Wrath of the Madame. The event was the November edition of the Literary Renaissance Foundation’s (LRF) monthly book reading.

Jack grew up exploring the beauty of art through pages of intellectual literary artwork, including Robert Louis Stevenson’s poetry, Sir H. Rider Haggard, Ian Flemming, Cyprian Ekwensi, Chinua Achebe, Nolue Emenanjo, and Chimamanda Ngozie Adichie, among others.

The session was held on Zoom and streamed live on the LRF’s social media accounts on Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram.

Oswald’s second text, after his maiden thriller The Man Who Knew Too Much, is more or less a microcosm of Africa in general and Nigeria in particular. It is replete with vivid scenes and relatable characters expressed with such brilliance and descriptive power as to ignite the imagination and send it running wild.

The unravelling of political intrigues, the malign phenomenon of godfatherism, and the quicksand that is political greed – all are expressed in a tense, high-stakes novel rendered in simple diction but great imagery.

At the end of the reading, comments and questions flowed. Jack Oswald’s creativity was highlighted. So also, were the key lessons deducible from the story.

At the end of the session, convener Babatunde Oladele appreciated everyone who attended on behalf of the LRF board of directors, trustees, and volunteers.

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