edith aiyede at october lrf book reading
Book Reading, Events

Edith Aiyede Reminisces on Childhood Antics at the LRF October Book Reading

The monthly LRF book reading is an event that draws together authors, readers, writers, and other people from different walks of life through their common interest in books, and the 2nd of October 2022 edition with Edith Aiyede was no different, with participants trooping onto the platform in their numbers.

edith aiyede at lrf october book reading
BORN READY – Edith Aiyede regales her audience during the LRF Book Reading on Zoom


The event, anchored by Oladimeji Ogunoye, officially kicked off at 5:15 pm with the welcoming and introduction of all who were present. There was also a brief introduction of LRF by the Executive Director, Babatunde Oladele, as well as the reading of the author’s profile by the Foundation’s Administrator, Mary Ogundipe.

edith aiyede at the october lrf book reading
NOT MISSING THIS! – Book lovers in attendance at the October book reading


Edith Aiyede is the author of Kukuruku Girl – Tales of My Childhood. She is a professional realtor, ardent child-rights advocate and gender equality campaigner, as well as the founder of Chonea Mundo Foundation, which focuses on girl-child development.

Kukuruku Girl – Tales Of My Childhood is a collection of stories that combine maturity with childlike innocence while encapsulating the joys and sorrows of growing up in a serene and picturesque small Nigerian town.

Narrated in a free-flowing, conversational style, the stories in Kukuruku Girl collectively paint a portrait of years of innocence steeped in mischief and rascally inquisition into the vast canvas of life as experienced by the author.

The recollections feature such an accurate portrayal of the mindset of the child-protagonist that the reader is drawn wholly into the experience and relives every moment with her.

REACTIONS – Kukuruku Girl was very relatable to the audience

The author’s style of rendering the stories from her Etuno mother tongue in the English Language equally lends to the veracity of the tales told. The essence of her cultural heritage pops out very strongly and this makes the collection take on a historical dimension for the people of her native Etuno–Igarra community.

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Edith delivered an impactful reading of the chapter Defiance and Aya The Goat from the book, a narrative which, although personal, is vividly relatable to some of the participants who also reminisced on their own childhood tales.

The Question-and-Answer session followed and comments were also made by participants who expressed their views on the sheer bravery and honesty of the author.

edith aiyede at the october lrf book reading

A few general announcements were made and the vote of thanks given by the Executive Director brought the Reading session to a close at 6:26 pm.

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