6 health benefits of reading

6 Health Benefits of Reading

Reading has been proven by studies and some research to have great health benefits. Below are the 6 common health benefits of reading:

Reading increases brain connectivity

Reading, according to researchers, helps boost brain connectivity.  In a 2013 study carried out on the “effect of reading a novel on the brain”; it was discovered that the research participants had their brains ignited by the streams of tension built up in the book they read.

Reading decreases stress level

Just like the exercises and comics, reading has also been discovered to help reduce blood pressure. it also slows down feelings that might lead to emotions stirring up distress.

Reading aids in cognitive ability

Constant reading helps improve the cognitive ability of the brain. Research  shows that old people who spend time reading tend not to be affected by brain retardants which come with old age.

Reading increases lifespan

One of the findings in the several studies carried out on the health benefits of reading shows that individuals who spend adequate time reading tend to live longer than those who hardly read.

Prevents depression

What often leads to depression is the feeling of isolation and alienation from others. However, spending time on great fictional books can prevent such feelings, since the reader gets carried away into the imaginary world the book has created for them.

To further fight depression, the National Health Service of the United Kingdom prescribed certain books to help combat certain health conditions especially, depression and high blood pressure.

Reading improves a sense of empathy

Reading has been indicated by experts as one of the key factors for improving an individual’s empathy.  It enables readers perceive and understand the actions and reactions of others around them to certain things through different perspectives. According to David, C.K. and Emmanuelle, C. in their research findings, they state “Understanding others’ mental states is a crucial skill that enables the complex social relationships that characterize human societies,

Now that you are aware of the health benefits of reading, you can also support the course of the Literary Renaissance Foundation ; by volunteering to help ignite reading culture in Nigeria.

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