5 best recommended books for entrepreneurs

5 Best Recommended Books for Entrepreneurs [From People Who Have Made It Work]

Reading the right books is a sure way to be forearmed. Discover 5 best recommended books for entrepreneurs – from people who have made it work.


Reading is fundamental.

It plays a key role no matter which aspect of life you’re looking at.

That’s why we’ve gone through a series of books that have been recommended for entrepreneurs and selected the top five for you.

Would you like to gain solid information, guidance, inspiration and tips for your start-up journey from proven business founders who have made it work?

Then read on!

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1. Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill


think and grow rich by napoleon hill recommended for entrepreneurs


Napoleon Hill’s Think and Grow Rich tops our list both for its practical application and its jolting directness. This book was recommended by the experts at Entrepreneurs on Fire. Here’s a breakdown of the book by ReadItFor.me:

“The big idea in this book is that becoming rich begins with a state of mind. Rich has a six-step method for turning your desire to succeed into becoming rich.”

It’s a really strong one and we recommend that you pick it up and give it a read, while applying the practical guidelines that Hill has put out.


2. How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie


how to win friends and influence monsters by dale carnegie recommended for entrepreneurs


How tough would life be without lifehacks? This book is a recommendation from Sarah Anton, editor and founder of The Fitrepreneur.

Dale Carnegie’s How to Win Friends and Influence People doesn’t just teach you how to improve your social life, it also teaches you how to be a better leader as well as a better entrepreneur.

Read this book if you want to discover how to win people over, overcome competition, and generally become a better salesperson.


3. The Lean Startup by Eric Reis


the lean start up recommended for entrepreneurs


The start-up founders at Altar.io are an incredible team whose driving force is discovering the lean way to get things done.

No surprise then that they’re recommending this book.

According to them, The Lean Startup by Eric Reis reveals a detailed approach “that can help you build a product or service that customers want, and are willing to pay for. All with minimum wasted time or effort.”


4. Blue Ocean Strategy by Renée Mauborgne and W. Chan Kim


blue ocean strategy


Carefully chosen by the staff at ThePowerMBA, Mauborgne and Kim’s Blue Ocean Strategy focuses on how you can stand out in the business market – rather than just suffocating yourself along with everybody else in the already-crowded business market.

The book’s subtitle reflects this: How to Create Uncontested Market Space and Make Competition Irrelevant.

You’ll find that after reading the book, after using the tools provided, you’ll be able to approach the customer problem from a completely different angle.

An angle that none of your competitors have even thought about.

– ThePowerMBA



5. The 4-Hour Workweek by Timothy Ferriss


the four hour work week


Timothy Ferriss’s The 4-Hour Workweek was recommended by Lazio Nadler, founder of 10-year-old online store, Tools4Wisdom, which made $2 million in revenue just five years into its establishment.

If you want to start (or have started) your own business, you could do far worse than take Nadler’s advice.

According to him:

“The 4-Hour Workweek got me started. Tim created the system to automate his income to make space for the things he loved and travel where he wanted to go. I was inspired to hack the system, to question the status quo and see if I [could] pull it off myself – and behold, it works.”

In summary, Tim Ferriss is trying to show entrepreneurs that there’s a better way to live: work less and make more money.

It sounds impossible to some at first instance because they believe that a founder has to sit on top of his business 24/7. Does it sound impossible to you as well? Perhaps you need a date with Tim Ferriss.

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